About Connect Groups Mailing Lists

  • The Connect Groups Mailing List service is part of the Connect Messaging and Collaboration app suite and is powered by Google Groups.
  • The service provides the ability to send a message to a single email address and have it distributed to all members of the Group.
  • This service is available at no cost to any current Connect account holder.

Connect Group Roles

Connect Groups Mailing Lists define several different roles that individuals may fill:

Group Managers:

  • Have the authority to edit the configuration and membership of a Group. The Group Owners are typically assigned upon creation of a Group, but managers can be added/changed/removed by the Group Managers.
  • Have the authority to approve or deny (moderated) incoming messages.  This is an optional feature of the Group.

Group Members:

  • Individuals who will receive the messages posted to a Group of which they are a member.
  • Group members can be designated by the Group Manager or membership can be requested by an individual.

Creating a New Connect Groups Mailing List

To create a new Google Group, see the Google Group section of Using the Connect Admin Portal.